A few years ago, I had the opportunity to team up with one of the top Malaysian designers, Albert King and one of the most talented young painters, Fathullah Luqman Yusuf, to do an exhibition, combining each of our strength: vintage furniture, high fashion and paintings at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC). (Thanks to Sabri, an event manager at KLCC and one of my regular customers who loves our retro pieces). The occasion was a charity fashion show, attended by the female members of the royal families and socialites of the country. It was a gathering of high society with none other than the Queen as the guest of honour.
Vintage furniture, high fashion and art seem to attract one another, perhaps because all involve enduring values of beauty, craftsmanship, creativity, talent and sense of tradition. SECOND CHARM also takes pride that Khoon Hooi, another Malaysian top designers, is one of its customers. Some of our retro pieces furnished his fashion showrooms at Starhill and Pavillion.
He once came to our shop, gently tapped me and jokingly complained that most of the datins and puan sris that come to his shop are more interested in the furniture he bought from me rather than his clothes! Once at a hair dresser, behind my shop at Taman Tun and flipping through a lifestyle magazine, I chanced a picture of Khoon Hooi sitting on the very retro sofa that he bought from us! There was no mistaken about the upholstery that we did for him.There was also a picture of Monica in the same magaizine, a well known makeup artist, who often comes with Khoon Hooi and another of our customers.
The beauty and attractiveness of high fashion are certainly enhanced with vintage furniture. Perhaps for these reason too that high end fashion houses such as Club 21 and Paul Smith at Hilton, Singapore, rent our furniture from time to time for product display or when launching their new products.
Anyway, below are some of the pictures taken at the KLCC exhibition which I talked about earlier - Second Charm vintage pieces, Albert King Haute Couture and Fathul's paintings
Albert King on the right, Sabri in the centre and Nan, an image sylist on the left. Nan ended buying one of our retro display cabinets.
The gold planter stand is also customed made. Also available in black. Behind the art deco dresser is a 60's retro glass display cabinet, modified from a teak 2-door wardrobe, one of the most popular item at SECOND CHARM
The retro 1960's glass cabinet is fully for hanging clothes. A see through wardrobe for some of your high fashion. Love by boutique owners. The coffee table is a rare vintage 1920's -30's . The long chinese bench beside the cupboard,6ft x 3 ft was sold to Sherman. Much as he loves retro furniture (he bought a-3 door retro wardrobe from us), the bench reminds him of his grandmother and home . It will be his TV stand.
Love the hanger, kept it for some time however recently sold it to Marc in Singapore. May not get the same piece for a long time.
Some of Fathul paintings. The table is a vintage 1920's gate leg and the chair is a peranakan piece. The coat hanger is a vintage 1950's.
The writing desk is a beautiful vintage 1920's . Sold to Celine Pereira. Another painting by Fathul Luqman Yusuf.
Till my next posting. Have a great Sunday. Rushing to KL.
Warmest regards
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