My brain is all a whirl trying to take in both my daughter’s graduation of less than two weeks ago and my son’s graduation tomorrow. My daughter can now add “MSW” (masters in social work) after her name and my son will have his undergrad degree in media communication (emphasis on film).
(here’s a photo of me and Abby after her graduation)
STOP THE BUS – when did my kids become adults? Weren’t we just changing diapers and singing the Barney clean up song? With a blink of an eye we went from signing report cards without grades (I always thought that was sorta pointless – and maybe they don’t do it any more – but every kid quickly learns that a “-“ means “bad”) to needing our child’s written permission to see their grades! Did I enjoy Abby and Jack’s growing up years or was I too busy working and cleaning the house? Would I have regularly stopped in at Ashley Furniture or thought a dingy warehouse is no place for young children?
Thankfully, I can answer that last question with great confidence since – though, indeed, Ashley Furniture is a dingy warehouse – it’s also a great place to bring kids with our entrance table loaded with delicious FREE cookies; our child-size table and chairs where little ones can color; and our large showroom filled with fabulous furniture which is perfect for a rousing game of hide-and-seek (though no running, please!)!
So, I invite you – and your youngins – to stop in either today from 1 to 8 or tomorrow from 9 to 4! The following photos are just SOME of what you’ll find currently in the store:
sleek, modern café height table with two adjustable stools – priced $125 for the set
fabulous brown micro-suede chair and ottoman – there are two sets – priced $195 per set (set included chair/ottoman)
sweet writing desk – missing several pieces of decorative trim (at the corners) priced $75
comfy, floral sofa – some general wear – priced $50
lovely Smithe-Craft sofa – love the interesting contrasting trim – in excellent condition – priced $195
two matching wingback chairs – both in great shape EXCEPT need to be cleaned – priced $75 each
fabulous sofa by Cisco Brothers (their Cosmo sofa) in excellent condition priced $175; glass and black metal coffee table for $55
we received an amazing donation of about 160 of these STACKABLE chairs made in Italy for Target. They are wood and metal (making painting them or refinishing them super easy) and show some wear but overall are in great condition. Very comfortable too. Priced $15 each
wonderful Century brand sofa – priced $175; matching oversized chair is $135; neat coffee table in front of the sofa is $60
this Broyhill sofa (shown in both photos) is fine EXCEPT there’s some fabric wear on cushions and arms so is priced only $85; matching ottoman has even more wear and is priced $20; wonderful square end table has one drawer (at bottom of piece) and it’s $50 and there are two of ‘em
great loveseat by Vanguard priced $135 – in excellent condition
sweet as can be sleeper sofa for $145
wonderful chair (covered in silk-like watermark fabric) priced $75
fantastic wall-hugging (so both pieces can sit smack dab up to a wall and still recline without hitting the wall) reclining sofa for $225; matching reclining loveseat for $165
amazing retro loveseat – fabulous, wipe-able vinyl – priced $45
another retro piece – this time it’s a SLEEPER loveseat in a vintage plaid – priced $40
this is a GORGEOUS two piece (sorry, we didn’t have any guys around to help us place the hutch on top of the buffet) lighted china cabinet by Thomasville – priced $275
7’ long conference table priced $175; rolling conference chairs are $35 each and we have six of them
leather chair and ottoman – love the nail-head trim – priced $135 (leather is showing wear/has cracks in various places)
I’m in love with this loveseat with contrasting trim and fabric on the back – priced $125 (final photo shows a sorta weird stain)
wonderful mission-style coffee table with two drawers priced $60
Though I could all too easily go to a negative place of feeling like I was a distracted parent worried about finances and dust bunnies – I choose, instead, to remember the long summer mornings spent at our favorite park and bath time where my two mixed up “concoctions” until the water got cold – and look into their dearly beloved – adult - faces and marvel at how much I really LIKE them – and smile.
We done good, dear reader. We done good.
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